So about three weeks ago my friend Harmony Brice introduced me to a new school. And I decided that Tyler needed to check it out see if it was something that he should do. We went over there last week and spent the day at the Kimber Academy. Ty really liked it and he wants to go there. I prayed about it and I think that it will be a really good idea to send him there. I think that he will have a better opportunity to learn and grow and master the Core subjects. All the boys want to go. But we're going to start off with Tyler and hope that he will do really well. Really really pray that it will be a good fit for him and that he will flourish do so well and that he will gain knowledge and be able to progress quickly through his studies. Means that he will not be taking any academic classes in high school. He will just take some electives and he can do sports. So we're hoping that he will get the best of both worlds. Be able to have the academics served to him in a way that he can learn. And have the social life at High school that he really wants to have. Tonight was. Orientation. Oscar and Tyler went with me and it was so fun to be on a high school campus with both of them. They are growing up so fast and lately they have been getting along really well. I'm so proud of them and tonight was just a really nice evening. We had a very late FHE. Burton taught us about Abraham and his son. He did a really good job. Little boys were in bed and so we had an opportunity to talk to visit and have a really nice evening together. There was no fighting no snarking or rude comments. I just loved it. Everyone was smiling and happy. Especially seeing Tyler like that was such a joy. And times he takes his job of being a teenager a little too seriously. I'm hoping that there are some really fun years to come with them. I hope that I can be a good mom to them. Be strict but also be able to have fun with them. I'm sure I've said this before but we are trying to do the house again this year. Were actually talking to some builders and getting an idea of how much it will cost. So hopefully sometime this year I will be saying the words we have broken ground. Baby Daphne is an absolute joy in our house. I can't believe that she is here still. She's so amazing so beautiful so perfect so fun. We feel so honored to have her with us. The boys all adore her. We are so grateful to heavenly father for giving her to us. We hope that we can be worthy and keep her safe and proper to grow up strong and healthy. Feeling very happy.