Allison gets these ideas in her head. Let's liken them to a bee in her bonnet. "Let's go to the woods and take a 5 mile hike. Jeff needs it for cub scouts." Ok. Im game. I wasn't too sure about the 5 mile hike but I knew I could always take the weak ones and quit early. Grandpa decided to be the protector on our outing and we were grateful. Those bears were vicious, VICIOUS!. Thanks Grandpa. You are the best.

Alli and her little bird. Peter couldn't figure out how to bite the end of the camelback and then suck the water out so Alli spit in his mouth. Yes folks. The picture is prettier than the act.

A walk in the woods did us some good. Thanks Alli for getting us out of the house.
my backyard! so beautiful! tell me where it is so I can take my crew :)
Aww! I love having a photographer as a sister, you make us all look way cuter than we really are :) That was way fun, let's go again soon. Nae Nae said she wants to go camping with us. . .
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