Headed up to Prescott and drove around a bit looking for a place to camp. It was about 2 hours, I am ashamed to say but it was just Alli and I and a bunch of anxious kids. The husbands were thankfully bringing up the rear later in the evening. So there was less stress. Just Alli and I bouncing around in the wilderness (oh and the kids) looking for just the right spot, (for one night). Finally landed somewhere near the Potato Patch.
It was a little warmer than I like to camp, But that means, warm nights. So that's good. Tyler got some new guns and had an itchy trigger finger for his birthday. We already had 2 bbguns, now we have 2 other ones. A 22 rifle and another 22 that can convert into a 12 gage shot gun. I know this well because I was sent to Walmart to buy the bullets.
Everybody got a turn on the bbguns. The older boys got to man the 22's.

Portrait of a happy young man. Not a boy anymore.