70 years old is a big birthday and not to be ignored or given a simple card and a kiss. Oh no. We are doing a big surprise/rootbeer/cream soda tasting Party. Yay. Yes he was very surprised. No Idea. YES

We gave him old people stuff that he will soon need. Like a cane that honks when you walk.
Everyone was able to be there. There were some lies told. Alli said that she was going to a cabin with some friends. Amanda and Doug made up some kind of excuse. Sounding very flaky indeed. 

All the bottles on the table are rootbeer, cream soda and a couple odd balls like ginger beer (yuck, mom liked it though) and apple beer. You see my dad loves root beer and cream soda. So I went to the wine and more store and bought all the different kinds of root beer and cream soda for a taste test. I got a bunch of shot glasses for the tasting. It was a delicious adventure.
We also had ribs and lemon cake for dessert. Yum. Happy birthday Daddy Dear Darling.
The favorite root beer was dog and suds. I think the favorite cream soda was Stewarts.
Sweetest little baby JuJo and Grandpa.
I have a picture with my dad that is very similar to this.
Laughter and family and happy birthday to my dad. Such a great dad. I found some old pictures of dad. The funny thing is, he doesn't look that different. He ages well. I hope I get that too.

Next is a picture with dad and his son, my brother Steve. He lives in Michigan now with his 2 kids. Carrie Ann and Kyle.

Dad Circa 1992 in Phyllis's old Z. I LOVEd this car. Got to drive it when I was a teenager. How cool is that?

Dad in his domain. A house full of girls... Ya he had his own space. Oh man that is so funny. I remember alot of that stuff. There is a bucket of wheat from 1984 so it was after that.
This picture with our old van, it is orange but you can't tell in the picture. I think it was 1985 or 86. Alli is such a trickster with the bunny ears on Amanda.
Dad, letting Lindsey take the wheel on a trip, probably to Idaho. So cute. Great trip down memory lane with these. Love my daddy.