Lovely Children and Nathan took pictures so he is lovely too. Thanks Babe
I do love the fun and mayhem in my bed on Mother's day. Kids stepping on me and each other. Don't put the food on the bed until after they kiss and hug on you. You will end up with syrup all over you.
I had another picture of Burton and I but we both looked pretty bad so this cropped one will have to be it. How darling is he.?

They all wrote me nice notes and gave me chocolate. Great job. So happy to be a mom. Best job ever, and hardest.
Oh my goodness look at what I just found a picture of my mom on mother's day. Amanda's glasses, ha ha. So sweet. Love this picture. So grateful to my parents for taking pictures while we were growing up. I will try to incorporate these more often.
Had the family over for dinner and set up my lights and back ground to snap some pictures. It wasn't planned so my sisters raided my closet. It was pretty funny. This picture, I didn't like the colors of our dresses, they didn't match. So Photoshop magic....
And we have more pleasing colors.
I have the best sisters and mom and dad. So grateful for their example and friendship.
I found another one. I can't pass up our awkward family photo from 1994. Hilarious. Lots of great times at that old house. Love this...
Great job! You do have some catching up to do!
Great job! You do have some catching up!
Great job! You do have some catching up!
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