Of course the idea was from pinterest. Pretty fun. I used to have pictures on my phone of the final product but I guess I erased them. Oh well. You get the idea. Dum Dum sucker inserted into the outstretched fist.
We had to do them quick and so I didn't get to take them to some wonderful place with a nice background. Front yard. Yay (unenthusiastic)
The boys all liked the result and passed them out. I guess they weren't too cheesy. Although I doubt I will be able to convince Tyler to do it this year. He's now in Jr High. What do they do in Jr High for Valentines anyway. I have a couple things to learn. New experiences on every horizon.
Oscar as usual doesn't make it easy to get a picture. Love him anyway. He is a great kid.
My babies are all so sweet. Little Valentines.
Below is Nate and I at our 1st Valentines after we were married. So 1998. Long ago.