We had a great time. I was so impressed with all the boys and how they did. Tyler didn't do as well as he hoped but instead of getting mad he cheered for the other cars.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Uncle Keith's Garden
My Great Uncle Keith has a garden in his back yard. My mom and I and the kids go over and harvest everyonce in a while. He is a very hard worker and I am awed everytime I go. Chickens, Peacocks, Phesants are the animals. Then there is a small alfalfa field, sweet peas, carrots, asparagus, brocoli, cauliflower, spinach, strawberries, peach tree, apple tree, lettuce, blackberries, edemame, citrus trees. I am sure I missed something. But you get the idea.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Wesley Turns 6
Wesley and his posse and his Kung Fu Panda Cake. And Transformer masks.
Wesley's 6th Birthday party was at our house yesterday. He is such a great kid. We had about 12- 15 boys running around. I didn't count.
They all made hats with animals on them.
Cruz, Diego, Wesley, Burton, and Jaxon at the opening of the presents.
Dad was a great help. Collin Dodds is next to him and below him is Mason, Jaxon's brother. Sweet boy.
We had a wonderful day. Finding out what the baby was, party for Wes and then hanging out with the Schlinks later that night. The boys got to climb on a rock wall. Ya good day.
Now for a name?
It's a BOY. How many times have I heard that. 5 times. Boy o BOy o BOy o boy o boy.... well you get the picture. It is so funny how things work out. I have a strong belief that can only come from having the same gender over and over again. Heavenly Father wants us to have boys. That is just what our family is. I am so grateful to be the mother of these wonderful boys. I am very very blessed. I have a big job ahead of me. To raise these boys to think for them selves. To make the hard choices that will come. Nathan and I are determined to give them all the knowledge they need to face what life will challenge them with. I am also glad that little Y will have a friend to play boy stuff with.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Boy or Girl?
We finally scheduled the sonogram for tomorrow. At 12:30 pm. We are pretty excited to know. I found a company or a guy that will come to your house and do the test in our house. A friend of mine told me about him. No more wondering. I am hoping my parents can be there and we are going to Skype Nathan's parents in London. It will be 7:30PM their time. I don't have a clue what the baby is. I just figure it is a boy. I have been told so many times that we are having a boy that it would be very foreign indeed to hear "It's a girl." I am kind of counting on a boy. I would like this in a way because then Wyatt would have a friend and wouldn't get over shadowed by "The Girl". I have all the clothes and 3 rooms for kids. 6 boys sharing takes a lot less thought. However. We don't have any boy names that we like right now. So we would have to go back to the drawing board. The girl name that I love is Daphne, Nathan isn't so excited about it yet (but he will be). A Girl would mean I would want to redecorate. I think. I don't know. Really it is hard to even imagine what I would do. Well tomorrow we will see what I need to worry about right. Either decorating, or a name?
Sunday, February 8, 2009
More blood and gore. Not for the faint of heart.
I picked up Oscar and the other 2 from school. Oscar was play fighting/ bothering/ roughhousing with another friend at the bus stop and fell against a brick wall. The corner. And cut the back of his head open. I had cubscouts at my house an hour later and decided to keep going. My mom came over to watch kids and later that night a friend of ours stitched him up. How exciting.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Bloody Battle
I lost a fight with an 11 month old. That is embarrasing. No joke. I walked away with a bloody nose. Ok Ok here is the story it is kind of cute. Wyatt and I wrestle on the floor every day. He walks up and I lay on the floor and pretend to be terrified. He loves it. He rolls over me and smacks my head. Then he started going for my nose and before I could stop him, he hooked me. I disentagled my self and Burton says "mom, there's blood in your nose". Sure enough I was bleeding at the hand, and sharp finger nail of a little baby. I am such a wimp.
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