The boys love to push each other around on this. They are so careful with Wyatt and make sure they don't crash with him or run into him. They are such good brothers.
This is my cake that I ordered from Roberts Catering in Chandler. I wanted the smallest one they had but it turned out pretty big. So I am passing it out to people. IT is amazing. So so so yummy.
It is chocolate cake of course. It is filled with chocolate mousse and walnuts and caramel. The butter cream is too much for me. But I will take the rest of it. Soo good.
It is a fabulous cake! Thanks birthday girl!
The cake looks good but why would they put walnuts in it? Gross. I hope you had a good time eating it and I like you.
Looks so freaking good. I must be pregnant when I want to lick the computer screen. I might need a 'no-good-reason' cake from that place sometime soon! btw - How do you know Kizzie and Jeremy Garrett? They live like 50 feet from me and are in my ward, though I don't know them very well.
Happy Birthday, Whitny! I still remember when your birthday is (generally speaking) since you were one of my original Beehives a million years ago. You're just as cute, skinny, and crazy as you were then. Except you've got your braces off. The cake looks wicked!
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