I need to catch up on some of the events for these boys.
Tyler got to play his guitar in the talent show. It was so fun to see him. He chose the song and handled the whole deal. He is growing up. He played Tarantella or something like that. The name escapes me. Great job T.

Burton had a cute program and sang songs and danced. He is a silly kid. Kindergarten suited him well. This was his teacher Mrs Sessions. He loved her.

Like I said, silly.

He is named well. Burton Andre, who's eyes disappear when he smiles. Ha.

Oscar's class did an, um, interesting play about nature. More to the point don't damage the cacti in the desert, and clean up after your self when you go and picnic in the desert. Um ok. They sang songs all around that theme. Like I said, ...interesting.

But, it was patriotic. All about AZ so that's good. Here he is with the long hair. His best friend is there on the end with the peace sign. Right back at cha JT.

Wesley's grade didn't do a program. They stagger them so there isn't too much all at once. Great job boys.
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