Thursday, February 18, 2010
Break Time
Bet you have wondered how I did it. Take pictures, edit and post all those pictures. It was a careful balance of ignoring the family and Husband just enough that they wouldn't hate me. But alas, I have realized my mistake. I don't have time for all that. So I need a break, and I will still be doing it but not as often. It isn't my time... I have said it before. Not my time to volunteer at the kids school. Not my time to go to the movies or the theater (nursing baby). I can do this. I love being a mom. Stepping back for a little while from the hobbies. So if I don't post, I'm not dead. Just doing my job better.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Emmett 6 month picture
We are complete. I have had this project running for 10 years now. I get the kids pictures done at a studio at 6 months. I have all the pictures now. I love babies at 6 months. It is the CUTEST age. Just love'em love'em.

So now I have prints of all of them. They are going into frames tonight. Yay. Feels good to be done with a project.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Pioneer Woman Assignment/ Wish you a Happy Valentines
I know I can't win. The images that are chosen are so so so amazing. But I had to try. So this is my attempt. The assignment was Shallow Depth of Field/Bokeh. This means that a small part of the picture is in focus and the rest is blurry.
So I pulled out my 50mm. It can open wider than my 17-50mm. This one turned out so pretty. I love it. YY decided that the candies looked delicious. Cute element in the image. Check out the competition.
A better sky
This picture of Tyler is mediocre. I wanted to do something to it to make it better. Or die trying. The image below has already been brightened and increased the exposure in RAW.
Then I took it into photoshop.

Then I added noise. Which I have never done to a picture before. But I see it on websites and it is an interesting look. Seventies action at 60% opacity. I think it is a huge improvement. Isn't ready for a wall portrait or anything. Like I have said before, still working on the photography part of this.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Got to get out
Today was so beautiful. THe clouds. My goodness the Clouds.
I just had to get some pictures. I loaded 5 boys up in the car and drove here. Out past Gilbert. I know where I was but I didn't know if I was supposed to be there. I just needed some open space to get some cloud shots. See If I don't like the sky in a picture that I take, I replace it with a sky I like. So I needed some High Res sky. Butterfly marks the spot on the map below.

Every thing facinates boys. It is very interesting to see. An old bottle. A broken dishwasher. If only they had something to blow it up with. I am sure that is in my future.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Playing outside today
This one is funny. It turned out looking like a Crush Ad.

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Emmett is sitting up
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