I have seen some pictures at this location and wanted to check it out.
There is some really pretty picture taking places. This wall especially.
I have seen other shots here before. Great location.

So I packed up 4 boys and headed out. They loved it. Ran all over.
Every once in a while they would allow me to shoot an image.
Love the color of this wall.

It is a lot of work being a kid.

This is the first place we found. I know that I am not getting all the angles right.
I need some more time at this local.
There were 2 photographers there doing shoots.
I would love to pick the brain of some one who shoots there often.

Oh this was a great spot. The reflective wall was so interesting.
This cracked me up when I was editing. Burton is the same size as the other boys. Looks like a giant 5 yo. LOL.
Can only fit 1 person or 2 at a time. There is a window to the right.

After I took them to a shooty water thingy by the Hale theater.
I am not good at the low light picture taking yet. Needs work.
This is the only picture that I like. I took about 60 others. All junk. Oh well.