Although I don't like my blackberry very much. It does have some cool features. One is that it uploads my pictures right after I take them to my photobucket acct. That's nice. So we got some new bikes and we have been enjoying them so much. I dislike running, (Grrr) but I love riding bikes.
And yes, I am renting out my forehead for advertising for the right price.

This one is awesome. " I am walking through the field in my underwear. There is nothing wrong with me." Nate and I were on a date. So hilarious.

Emmett and Daddy. Trying a pickle for the first time. He didn't like it. His face is so funny.

Fun times Whit! Love the "underwear model" pose! Someday we'll be cool like you guys and get bikes too. :)
See, I told you my brother Nathan is funny! Great pictures Whitty. I love Emm's face with the pickle!
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